Rip it for Reese PDGA Flex Fundraiser
Saturday April 22nd
The Canyons at Dellwood Park
8am-5pm just show up to Dellwood Disc Golf anytime between those hours and we will put you on a card, no need to pre-register.
$5 cash only to play ($2.50 to PDGA for sanctioning, $2.50 to the Magnuson Family) Aditional $10 for non-PDGA members
Optional $5 Ace Pot cash only (If the Ace pot isn’t hit all funds will be donated to the Magnusons)
Layout: OG 18 White Tees A Pins
Prodigy and Dynamic Discs for sale on site, Artwork Designed by Dayne Zimmerman & Tim Beck
Check out the VIBE video below from Lauren Lakeberg aka The Disc Golf Photographer.
Disc golf is a family affair for the Magnuson family, Jayme and Dan have been making the trip to Dellwood from Roanoke, IL since 2019. Their two sons, Brock and Reese love the sport and have traveled to many different disc golf courses in the country and The Canyons at Dellwood Park is their favorite. Their passion for the sport was clear the first time they stepped foot in the pro shop. Every time the Magnuson family visits we have great conversations about the sport and they go out of their way to make our events a priority and they support everything we do, now it’s time to support them.
At the age of six Reese was diagnosed with Muscular Dystrophy, MD is a hereditary condition marked by progressive weakening and wasting of muscles. Reese is now confined to a wheelchair, however, they live in a tri-level home with limited wheelchair access and Dan and Jayme must carry Reese throughout their home. The funds raised through this event will help the Magnuson family add an addition to their home that is wheelchair accessible so that Reese has more independence and freedom. Reese has remained resilient throughout this whole process and is always smiling when he comes to Dellwood, he doesn’t let his disability keep him down.
Jake Zimmerman, a friend of the Magnuson family, reached out and asked if we would help run a fundraiser sanctioned flex start and we said “of course!” So please come out to support an amazing disc golf family, not only will you be helping the Magnuson family, all PDGA members will receive a rated round at The Canyons. If you cannot attend and would like to donate please read the flyer below for more information.
Pictured below: Brock, Dan, Jayme and Reese in Fraction Run.