The Canyons Log

The Canyons Log was born after the literal Canyons Log was carved by local chainsaw artist, Bud Hainzinger. This particular log came from the fairway of Hole 13 after a storm took out some old trees. We started filming rounds with friends in the late winter of 2024, we used the log as a backdrop for our recap of the round. Once we realized the double meaning of literal log and log of rounds The Canyons Log was born. The Canyons Log always features Sean Callahan and Ryan Stilson along with two guests, all videos filmed and edited by Sheila Callahan.

The waitlist to get on the Log has been a long one but we are having so much fun with this concept. This not only gives us an opportunity to play with local disc golfers but we also get to highlight the talent of all of them as well. Every Log is unique and most come to the round with a fun or quirky idea. We are documenting the “good ‘ol days” while we are in them. Watch episodes of The Canyons Log below!

The Canyons Log photo above taken by Lauren Lakeberg, The Disc Golf Photographer, and features her own father, “Radar” Rick Neilly.