The Dellys 2021
The Dellys
We have had a deposit down on the Roxy Theater since November 25th 2019, almost a full two years to the day. We have been waiting a long time to put on this event for you all. The idea for this event came from my skateboarding days and working for Zumiez. At the end of the year they would have a huge party for their employees complete with huge swag packs and sales awards. I wanted to bring that vibe to our local disc golf scene. Figuring out a space that would allow us to be able to pull this off was the next hurdle. The Roxy Theater in downtown Lockport was pretty high on our list, it being right down the street from Dellwood made it a no brainer. We went and visited The Roxy back in November 2019 and we were blown away. Trinity Services, also the owner of the property where the Trinity Links disc golf course is, had just finished remodeling The Roxy. It was everything we had been looking for, the space, the bar, the stage and even Audio/Video equipment! The initial plan for The Dellys was slated for the Spring of 2020 for the 2019 season. We all know how the Spring of 2020 went. We then pushed for November of 2020 and quickly realized that with all the planning necessary and indoor usage still being up in the air it just wasn’t in the cards. We considered trying for the Spring of 2021, but it didn’t feel right, The Dellys needed to be an end of year party! In the Spring of 2021, we had finally locked in our first actual date of November 5th 2021.
The Dellys were finally going to happen.
Delly attendees made their way down the red carpet on Friday night where some tried to avoid eye contact, while others embraced the interview via tiny microphone by our Master of Ceremonies, Anthony “Twan” Rodriguez. Upon entry guests received their swag pack which was a Champion backpack with Dellys logo printed on it along with a Dellys pint glass, Festieband, Dellys Blend coffee roasted in Lockport by our friends Downtime Coffee, five raffle tickets, two drink tickets and a 4S Glo Wizard from our friends at Gateway Discs stamped with Twan’s face (Twizard). Special Thanks to the only and only Ryan Fancher. The amount of time and energy that he puts into our players packs and trophies event after event is second to none.
The Disc Golf Photographer Lauren Lakeberg was on site taking photos while Ryan Aquino of Disc Golf Digest was getting shots on film. Documenting these events is so important to us, and they always rise to the occasion. Having these photos and videos 25 years from now will be incredible.
Twan killing the stand-up routine. Photo by Lauren Lakeberg, The Disc Golf Photographer
Mr. Philo Brathwaite joined us for the evening setting up his booth near check in. After just a few hours he was completely sold out of Philo signed merch! He spent a good chunk of the evening doing a clinic with one of the nights award recipients, Ania Szcsesniewski. As if that wasn’t enough Philo came running to the stage to run the raffle at the end of the night. Thanks so much for always being a part of the things we do Philo, you always have a home in Lockport.
Catering was done by none other than Sammy’s Linqs and Drinqs. Sammy, Branka, and Mikey Zivanovic have together brought the feeling of “home” to our events over the last year. There is nothing like the feeling of being cared for when it comes to food, it literally fuels every single one of our events. Sammy put together an amazing menu and they hustled up and down the stairs from the kitchen to the banquet tables to keep everyone fed and happy.
At 8PM everyone packed into the main theater for the awards and Twan stole the show with his stand-up routine. We knew he had some material but also kept telling us it would come to him when he was on stage. He even admitted to having anxiety about the whole thing but when he got in front of those bright lights he blew all our expectations out of the water. We laughed so hard, and it was the perfect intro to the awards ceremony. Before the five of us headed on stage we thought about what it took to get to this point, since the inception we have run 31 tournaments and events. All the stress of the season was worth it, seeing everyone in the crowd with smiles and laughter made this event the perfect end to the season. We handed out the overall trophies and payouts for The Greater Joliet Tour Series and then The Dellys. We wanted to give theses awards to the people that make a difference in our community,
we are so lucky to have people like them.
Anthony “Twan” Rodriguez preparing his notes before the big show!
Greater Joliet Tour Series Award Winners:
1st Place MPO - Al “Lefty” Hermosillo
2nd Place MPO - Pat Richert
3rd Place MPO - Bryan Jenkins
1st Place MP50 - Roger “Photo Guy” Tranowski
2nd Place MP50 - James Cheever
3rd Place MP50 - Ed Radakovitz
1st Place MA1 - Joe Moore
2nd Place MA1 - Scott Rangel
3rd Place MA1 - Tim Potter
1st Place FA1 - Erin Havok
2nd Place FA1 - Machely Lopez
3rd Place FA1 - Claire Moreno
1st Place MA40 - Vernon Manning
2nd Place MA40 - Noel Meekma
3rd Place MA40 - Bill Zgrabik
1st Place MA50 - Russ Smith
2nd Place MA50 - Brian Usher
3rd Place MA50 - Scott Tramblay
1st Place MA60 - John Cleaveland
2nd Place MA60 - Doug Koger
3rd Place MA60 - Michael Cottle
1st Place MA2 - Jon Carlson
2nd Place MA2 - Jason Allen
3rd Place MA2 - Dan Blaser
1st Place FA2 - Kylie Rotolo
2nd Place FA2 - Ania Szczesniewski
3rd Place FA2 - Sothea Nhem
1st Place MA3 - Nick Parini
2nd Place MA3 - Trevor DeCook
3rd Place MA3 - Jake McMillan
1st Place FA3 - Paula Borowski
2nd Place FA3 - Grace Brazzale-Elliot
3rd Place FA3 - Veronica Hoak
1st Place MA4 - Michael Serra
2nd Place MA4 - Jordan Kappra
3rd Place MA4 - Steve Brown
T 1st Place FA4 - Shelby Clarida
T 1st Place FA4 - Mandy Lewis
T 2nd Place FA4 - Kayla Baratta
T 2nd Place FA4 - Shara Cochrane
T 2nd Place FA4 - Araina Schauer
The crew. Photo by Lauren Lakeberg, The Disc Golf Photographer
Delly Award Winners:
The Living Legacy Delly – John Cleaveland
The Day-Glow Dedication Delly – Mike Eichorst
The Oh Captain, My Captain Delly – Adam Hritz
The Spirit Animal Delly – Machely Lopez
The Work Hard, Play Hard Delly – Kacie Glade
The All Day, Every Day Delly – Anthony Guzzo
The “Some How I Manage” Delly – Alex Seminary
The Swiss Army Knife Delly – Jared Gardner
The On the Spot Delly – James Heath
The 500 Club Delly – Al “Lefty” Hermosillo
Sammy, Branka and Mike Zivanovic: The best food around.
Philo Brathwaite: Disc Golf tips and raffle ticket pulling skills.
Dan Rebholz: The Dellys ice sculpture was handmade and donated by Dan and was a perfect centerpiece on stage.
Lauren Lakeberg: For all things Lauren, includes taking photos of everything! Dellys Gallery
Ryan Aquino: For coming out this season to film everything that we do! Be on the lookout for footage from Disc Golf Digest, coming soon!
Brian Cummings: DJ extraordinaire, played perfect music all night.
Dave Garb: For always being there when we need Festiebands before we even ask for them!
Ali and Gina Baig: Owners of Downtime Coffee, providing the Delly blend coffee for swag packs!
Nick and Niky Leonard: Swag Bag and check in.
Kay Borman & Paula Borowski: Raffle ticket sales and drink tickets.
Leo Borowski: For the photo slide show, mic flags, and calling everyday to remind me of what still needed to be done.
Thor Bachelor: For starting the Tour Series and keeping us on our toes.
Ryan Fancher: For screen printing literally everything, making the trophies, making the Delly awards and not caring about anything but secretly caring.
Sheila Callahan: Centerpieces and decorations.
The Roxy staff, Jessica Enders for opening early for us.
All of you for attending and believing in what we do!
See you next season!
Ice Sculpture donated by Dan Rebholz. Take advantage of these nights, like this ice sculpture, special moments will melt away.